
Joel Christian Gill™ is the chairman, CEO, president, director of development, majority and minority stock holder,  manager , co-manager, regional manager, assistant to the regional manager,  receptionist, senior black correspondent and janitor of Strange Fruit Comics. He is the author/illustrator of 2 books from Fulcrum Publishing Strange Fruit vol I Uncelebrated Narratives from Black History May 2014 and Tales of the Talented Tenth Fall 2014. In his spare time he is the Chair of Foundations at the New Hampshire Institute of Art and  member of The Boston Comics Roundtable.  He received his MFA from Boston University and a BA from Roanoke College. His secret lair is behind a secret panel in the kitchen of his house (sold separately) in New Boston,  New Hampshire where he lives with his wife, four children a 2 talking dog and 2 psychic cats. For more on Joel Christian Gill copy this bio, paste it into an email, send it to yourself, read again, and enjoy.

16 comments on “About
  1. Troye Fennell says:

    Mr Gill I read about you in the Hippo. I was intrigued by your project about unsung heroes in black history. I was particularly interested in the part of the article that said “combines obscure black history of which many come from New Hampshire…” My grandparents came to Manchester in 1947 and were community activists. Would it be of any help to you to speak to my grandmother? She has stories about this city that really need to be told. Like the story about a restaurant owned by her best friend back in the late 40’s. Her take on Manchester is a very animated one. One that adds to the history of this city from the 40s up to today. If you would like to talk please let me know.

    • Hi Troye,
      It would be great to speak with your grandmother. How ever right now I have all the stories that I can handle for a while. I will keep you information in mind and keep in touch.

      • Troye Anne Fennell says:

        Wow I wish I had checked back. My Grandmother has since passed away. Her stories however remain with me. If you are ever interested let me know. She left behind a legacy worth sharing…at least that is what I think; Good luck with your work


  2. Bryan Hill says:

    Mr. Gill I was given your link from Steph Brooks. We are in a group on FB and some said that there needed to be group for male art teachers as they are in the minority. I said that I was a black male art teacher that happened to be a republican; I asked was I alone. She gave me your link!!!

    I just finished a paper on Where are all the black art teachers? I think I came away with more questions than answers. I’m in Washington, DC public schools, I think there are 7 of us there, where 4 are located at one school. Oh well…


    • I would be interested in reading your paper. I am sure that you touched on the cultural aspect of why there are not very many black men artist. Also, I should say that my political work is very critical of republicans more specifically some black republicans. So, I hope you are not offended it is mostly satire. I just finished a comic book (no politics at all), that you might have seen here, about obscure black history. Thanks for contacting me. Again, I would love to read your paper. Take Care

  3. Margaret says:

    Dear Mr. Gill,
    I work at a children’s book store, and was so excited to see your book “Strange Fruit.” It really fills such an void, and the graphic style is great.
    However, I was wondering why there are not any black women featured in any of the narratives. I noticed this book is titled “Volume 1.” Do you have plans to release a second volume about uncelebrated narratives of black women?
    Thank you for your writing!

    • Hi Margaret,
      Strange Fruit happened organically. The first story happen as I met a cartoonist named Box Brown and started googling his name and discovers Henry Box Brown. After I drew that stories people began to tell me about other uncelebrated narratives. Now you might know that there are uncelebrated narratives and there are uncelebrated uncelebrated narratives. As people told me about the stories I began to collect them into this first volume. Now when I began to look on my own, I specifically sought out stories of women. Low and behold there are some great ones!! Among those included in Strange Fruit Vol I and Tales of a the Talented Tenth Vol 2. Bessie Stringfield, Mary Bowser and Cathay Williams just to name is few. Bessie Stringfield will be the subject of Vol 2 of Tales if The Talented Tenth. Thanks for your email and I am glad you liked the book.

  4. Katie says:

    Dear Mr. Gill,
    I loved Strange Fruit Volume 1. I can’t wait to see Vol 2! I know you get a lot of suggestions for stories to celebrate, but I wanted to throw in Congressman Robert Smalls of South Carolina on the off chance that nobody else has beaten me to it. He’s a fascinating guy whose life could easily merit a whole book on its own, and I would love to see what you’d do with the story.
    Thank you for bringing these under-noticed stories to a wider audience!!

    • Thanks Katie;
      I do have a story planned for Robert Smalls , but in a separate series. I have a series starting in the Fall called Tales of the Talented Tenth. It will feature one action story from black history. Senator Smalls will be the third in the series.

  5. Ariel says:

    Great presentation last night at A Room of One’s Own. Can’t wait until Nov. for vol. 1 of Talented Tenth!

  6. Mandy says:

    Hello, I just bought your Talented Tenth book about Bass Reeves today and really enjoyed it. Bass was an amazing man! I also really liked the artwork and the story line. That was particularly clever the way you used pictures for racial expletives as well.
    I would like to get the book out there so more people can enjoy it. I am thinking of donating it to the Boston Public Library . Do you think that would be a good use for it?
    I was also thinking I could bring it to the Rangers at the National Historic Site on Beacon Hill. They might like to order some and sell them in their gift shop, I would think .

  7. Hello, I am the creator of The Flying Bullet- A Sci-Fi Photonovel. I have started an IndieGoGo fundraiser for funds to put my book to print. It is the story of Curt Masters, who is abducted by an UFO and has to stand trial for Obstruction of Intergalactic Operations. Soon he realizes that he has to protect Earth from The Final Solution. I have recently discovered your two books, Strange Fruit and Tales of the Talented Tenth. I have written a book called the Talented Tenth Returns, which is a group of black superheroes.
    I am super impressed with your books and I would like for you to write a foreword for my sci-fi photonovel. Before you decide please check out my campaign page at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-flying-bullet-a-sci-fi-action-photonovel/x/6107318
    My books can be found at http://heroeslikeme.blogspot.com/p/books.html
    Thank You and I look forward to hear from you.
    -Christopher Love

  8. […] Author Biography: Joel Christian Gill  creator of Strange Fruit Comics. He is the author/illustrator of 2 books from Fulcrum Publishing, Strange Fruit and Tales of the Talented Tenth. He is the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at the New Hampshire Institute of Art and  member of The Boston Comics Roundtable.  He received his MFA from Boston University and a BA from Roanoke College. He lives in New Boston,  New Hampshire with his wife, four children a 2 talking dog and 2 psychic cats. This information was collected from the authors website. […]

  9. Letha Raymond says:

    How may I email you privately? I have a few risqué questions about your book which may not be suitable for public posting.

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