

$23.99+$4.00 shipped and signed
Please email (joelchristiangill(at)mac(dot)com with your correct shipping address.


$24.99+$4.00 shipped and signed
Please email (joelchristiangill(at)mac(dot)com with your correct shipping address.


For More info see the Old Kickstarter Video here:

$15.00 +$5 signed and shipped

Each games comes with 5 unique games cards, 1 special signed and numbered silk screen card, and a game board in a special hand made package.

One comment on “Store.
  1. Chiah says:

    I just bought Strange Fruit and I’m so excited to use this a resource for my students. I have one critique – all of the stories were about men. I would be overjoyed to see a book that had stories where a female was the protagonist. Thanks for the work that you have done and I hope that if you come out with a Volume 2 – that there are women protagonists as well.

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